Merry Christmas and Happy New Year + (Bonus Songs)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

So the last days of this year are ending…  And many of us are thinking about what we did in this old year. Some of us are analyzing a self success, when others the happened failures. But we should realize that the success and failures are our knowledge of life.

Each of us have had happy and troubled minutes in this year. But the main is that we had faith in ourself and in success. I like to follow by this proverb: “Everything will work out for the best“.

Therefore, let these holidays bring you and your family gladness, love and prosperity. I wish you in New Year that all of your dreams become true. And I want to give you a few of my “Piano” New Year songs… 🙂

Jingle Bells

Jingle Bells (download) (3877 downloads)

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree

В лесу родилась ёлочка (download) (3577 downloads)

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree (Piano version)

(Piano) В лесу родилась ёлочка (download) (3530 downloads)

P.S:  The forest raised a Christmas tree is a famous children’s New Year song in Ukraine & Russia.