Tag Archives: Windows

Building and debugging Atmel AVR (Arduino-based) project using Eclipse IDE+PlatformIO

eclipse_platformio_iconI received a lot of feedbacks after PlatformIO had been released. Some people have been asking me the interesting questions, such as:

Also I’ve received valuable answers and wishes  from the “LinkedIn Professionals” (here and here). Most of them like to work with an IDE and preferably Eclipse IDE.   As PlatformIO is a console tool with rich commands interface it can work with different IDEs as the “builder, uploader & debugger”.

Today I want to explain how we can build and debug Atmel AVR (Arduino) based project using Eclipse IDE + PlatformIO.

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An Android Cross-Compiling Environment on Windows/UNIX-like systems using NDK

android-ndkThe Android NDK is a toolset that allows us to implement parts of our app using native-code languages such as C and C++. There are many articles about integrating Android SDK/NDK and writing some “C/C++JNI compatible code. JNI is the Java Native Interface. It defines a way for managed code (written in the Java programming language) to interact with native code (written in C/C++).

But today we will talk about:

  • the native cross-compiling on the Windows/UNIX-like systems
  • uploading of the compiled binary file to the Android device
  • running the compiled binary file via Android CLI shell.

And what is interesting, we will not use the Android SDK (except adb utility) or any others Android sources 🙂

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